Expert Advice: Should Roofing Nails Be Exposed in Attic Area or Covered?

Posted on September 30th, 2024

If you've recently taken a trip up to your attic and noticed roofing nails poking through, you might be wondering: should roofing nails be exposed in attic spaces? This is a common question, and homeowners must understand what's normal and what might signal a potential issue. Exposed roofing nails can be a source of concern, but they can also be a natural part of the roofing process, depending on how the nails are placed and how they interact with other roofing materials.

Let's dive deeper into this topic to explore why roofing nails are sometimes visible in the attic, whether it's something to worry about, and how to handle situations where the nails might pose a risk.

Why Are Roofing Nails Poking Into My Attic?

The short answer to this question is: it's often completely normal. Roofing nails are used to secure the shingles and other roofing materials to the plywood sheathing, which forms the roof's base. As nails are driven into the roof, they sometimes extend past the sheathing and into the attic space.
This is particularly common if the roof deck is made of thin plywood. The nails need to be long enough to hold the shingles securely in place, so it's not unusual for them to penetrate through the plywood. In fact, roofing nails should go through the plywood slightly to ensure a tight, secure bond.

How Much Exposure is Normal?

The acceptable amount of exposed nail length depends on the type of nail and the thickness of the plywood sheathing. Generally, it's safe to see ¼ inch to ½ inch of the nail head protruding from the underside of the roof deck. Longer exposed nails (particularly for the sheathing) might be a cause for concern and could indicate improper installation.

Are Exposed Nails a Safety Hazard?

While exposed nails are certainly not the most pleasant surprise in your attic, they are not inherently dangerous. However, a few precautions are advisable:

  • Mind Your Head: Wear a protective hat when navigating your attic to avoid bumping into exposed nails.
  • Clear the Space: If you plan to use your attic for storage, keep boxes and other objects away from the nails to prevent them from getting snagged.
  • Leave Them Alone: Don't attempt to bend, cut, or remove the nails. This could compromise the integrity of your roof and lead to leaks.

Should I Cover Exposed Roofing Nails?

While exposed nails pose no real threat, some homeowners might prefer a smoother attic ceiling. However, covering the nails entirely is not recommended. Here's why:

  • Reduced Ventilation: Attics require proper ventilation to prevent moisture buildup and potential mold growth. Covering the nails with a solid material can restrict airflow.
  • Hidden Damage: If a nail gets pushed through further or becomes loose over time, covering it up could prevent you from noticing potential problems with your roof.

How to Cover Nails in Attic Ceiling?

Here are a few options if you'd like to make your attic a bit more user-friendly:

  • Install Insulation: Insulation batts can be placed between the rafters, effectively creating a barrier between you and the exposed nails. This also improves energy efficiency.
  • Use Caution Padding: If you need to store items in your attic, consider placing protective padding or plywood sheets around the exposed nails to prevent them from damaging your belongings.

When Should You Be Concerned?

While some exposed nail heads are normal, there are situations that require attention:

  • Excessive Protrusion: If the nails are protruding significantly more than ½ inch, it could indicate the wrong size nail was used or improper installation. This could lead to problems down the road.
  • Rusting Nails: Rusted nails are a sign of deterioration and may not be holding the shingles securely.

At BCheema Roofing, we are happy to answer your questions and address any concerns you might have about your roof. Don't hesitate to contact us for a free roof inspection!